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Saturday, December 24, 2011
Think SOUPER GOOD SOUP to to balance out the goodie glut:

Put 1 whole orange pepper (well hey, it's Christmas, choose your fav color), a huge handful of kale, 1/2 a head of cabbage, 1/2 an onion and 1 clove of garlic in an olive-oiled casserole dish, pile it high and oven roast at 450 for 25 mins. (Put the kale on the bottom or it might burn)

In your blender put 2 cups hot water, 1 Tbs pureed ginger, 1 Tbs chicken boullion base, and oven-roasted veggies (if they don't all fit, make two batches...ya? See? I'm a thinker like that -- got loads good ideas just ooooozing out of my brain.) 
Whah-lah!!! Green drink a la soup! Bon Appetite!


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