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Monday, December 19, 2011

Live in Harmony With Your Purpose - A Letter To A Dear Friend

Dear Friend, 
You have gifts and talents that deserve full recognition and appreciation. The life you live now is laden with the conditioning you received by your parents and other influential individuals who meant well but who maybe didn't help you fully understand the nature of your own powerful spirit. You can settle for trudging through challenges or you can learn to rise above them and conquer the attitude/social conditioning/false beliefs that hold you hostage. 

You are the master of your destination.  You can decide to change what isn't working for you. A few years back I made a conscious commitment to do a little something each day towards becoming healthier for the sake of living a better life. It doesn't really matter what size you are as much as it matters how you feel about yourself. I wanted to feel better so every hour of every day I made a better choice than the day before. Day after day they added up to transform my goal into a reality. I intentionally DECIDED to better my life and I did. I'm not done. Everyday is another opportunity to be the person I know I can be. Same goes for you.

You have health challenges to be sure but eating clean and exercising in moderation at first will lessen and eventually eliminate a good share of your issues. It's important that you make a decision to be COMMITTED to a healthier lifestyle for yourself rather than just be interested in having what someone else willingly worked for. 'Wishing' won't get you to a place of personal progress. Set small attainable goals. Take action. Accept responsibility for your happiness. Happiness isn't something that happens to lucky people. Happiness is achieved by living a life in harmony with your purpose. Tap into your divine nature which is the creative energy of intention. We possess the power to create positive energy in our lives. The only thing that stops us from having the health we desire, the work we are meant to do or sharing the love we have to give is our thoughts. Don't be your own roadblock. Get out of your way! You have a great work to do. "If you believe it, you can achieve it." 

I'm not trying to tell you it will be easy or will be a short road to the happiness you seek but if you want to experience life more fully and live without regret, it's going to take determination to move yourself forward using the 1% rule. If you make a small change each day, say, drink water instead of pop or go to bed an hour earlier to get more sleep, or choose fresh veggies over frozen dinners, you will become 1% better every day. In a year's time, you will be 365% better than you were the day you DECIDED to start living your life with the same intention under which you were created. 1%, my friend. Start small. Grow daily. See tangible results. You can do this if you decide to do it! No weakling raises a son and daughter under the conditions you have. Your body is just telling you it's time to release it from the burden and effects of relentless medications and mental stresses and return to it's natural state of health. You are strong. Now is your time. You need to be strong for YOU this time.

You have enough knowledge and understanding through your God-given intellect to tap into the area of your life needing your attention to create a happier feeling in your heart. Strive for an understanding of your own purpose. You can do anything you set your mind to. I know you can!

Love, T.


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