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Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's a bit embarrassing but it has to be addressed....

It’s not a pleasant subject and one we either whisper, giggle or reprimand the boys over (it’s not THAT funny, guys!). You can read this post with a second screen at the ready in case you need to flip back and forth so no one catches you reading about gas but the bottom line is if your "gas line" has a leak and you can’t turn it off, it’s time to know why and how to fix it.

I spent a whole year being bloated and sluggish and tired. My joints hurt all the time, my abdomen was distended after every meal, I felt swollen, my clothes didn’t fit, I gained weight and I was so flippin’ gassy that I could barely do my job without my body pulling a fast one in front of my clients. It totally caused my FUN METER needle to drop WAAAAAYY below the “good times” line . Turns out, after testing, my digestive issues were due to a number of things such as recently developed allergies to foods like whey, soy, wheat and gluten, adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism and lowered digestive enzymes in my system. I was a mess!

Good news!:
I rehabbed my body (and you can too!) in a year’s time with the right foods in the right combinations and with the help of some digestive enzymes and probiotics. Not everything can be remedied on your own so if you suspect other issues lurk deeper, go ask a professional. I went the Natureopathic route.

Rehab Lessons Learned: 
We lose digestive enzymes in our stomach the older we get. Supplements help a lot! You can buy them over the counter and your local health food store. Probiotics were instrumental in restoring the good flora and fauna to my intestinal tract after taking antibiotics for 15 years. (A little detail the doctors forgot to tell me…if you’re on antibiotics which do have a “killing” effect on your good bacteria as well as the bad, it can’t hurt to take a probiotic at the same time….if you’re unsure, ask your doc for a recommendation.)

The WHY: 
When carbohydrates (sugars and starches) in some foods are not completely digested in the small intestine and they reach the colon, the bacteria there ferments them which equals bloating. It’s like being the human version of Kimshi. Yummy. :/ 

Food Combining:
f you experience bloating after eating there’s a good chance it’s because you combined carbs and proteins together (which is just about EVERY meal you can think of…hamburger and fries, spaghetti and meatballs, tacos, meat and potatoes, etc.) which just says that your digestive juices don’t have enough enzymes to break it all down before it passes into your intestines. The other possibility is that you combined fruit and proteins or fruit and carbs together like trail mix or cereal with fruit on it. They are not friends.

I practice food combining and now I wake up with a flat stomach every morning. (It’s so worth it!) These are the guidelines I follow:
1.      Eat fruits separate. They are the loners in the food pyramid. Even more to the point, keep your sweet fruits away from your sour fruits. Also, they digest in the intestinal track not the stomach so eat them first and they slip right on through and will be long gone by the time you’re hungry again.
2.      Proteins (meats, nuts, *beans and dairy) are not friends with carbs (rice, oats, barley, wheat, potatoes, quinoa, flaxseed, corn, pasta, bread, *beans, etc). Don’t combine them in a meal. Eat them separately at least 2 hours apart. (Watch out for them beans--they're tricky little fellers.)
3.      Proteins and vegetables are friends. Eat them together.
4.      Carbs and vegetables are friends. Eat them together.
(Hint: notice that vegetables are friendly with proteins AND carbs…eat more veggies!)

Also, increase your physical activity. Of course, no surprise here, I’m going to recommend Metabolic Effect workouts, what the heck, go here: and LIKE my page – I know, I'm looking out for your best interests just as you suspected. :)) It’s 30 minutes, high intensity (meaning you work at your own perceived exertion level), rest-based (rest when you need to) and it’s not a gimmick…it gets results by speeding up your metabolism and engaging your hormones so that whatever fat is lurking after you control the bloating will be dissolved with the help of your healthy eating diet.

The final report: 
My hypothyroidism has corrected itself -- no meds required and I’m no longer experiencing adrenal fatigue due in large part to making a great effort to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night but 8-9 preferably. If I choose to eat a meal that combines incompatible foods together I have my digestive enzymes handy so I won’t pay such a high price for enjoying an "unfriendly" food combo.

Gas stinks. Eat healthy. :)


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