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Thursday, February 10, 2011


 I go by "T" more often than not.
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 I am the daughter of two goodly parents (deceased) who did the best they could with what they had. 
I am the sister to four living and contributing siblings.
 I am a mother to 5 super-awesome children (they are all boys except the first four). 
I am the wife to one determined, supportive and loving man. 
I am the mother-in-law to two amazing young men. 
I am a personal trainer, 
a certified fitness enthusiast and 
a huge believer that our potential is limitless.
 I believe in inspiring the human potential to greater heights. 
This blog will serve as my journal to record my journey to become 
1% better everyday for the rest of my life. 
My philosophy is this: 
If I don't live by this principle, and lead by example, through the thick and the thin of life, 
how can I ask anyone else to rise to this occasion with me? 
I WILL succeed. Failure is not an option. 
You only get one shot at this life and 
I WILL give it my very best shot
You have my word. 


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