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Friday, February 11, 2011

Choose the RIGHT way, and be happy!

A little history without disclosing TMI: 
I grew up with parents who challenge. One was constantly critical of every breath I took and the other didn't provide any boundaries are guidelines and only spoke to me in babytalk. Demeaning on both accounts to be sure. Since there was no "yard stick" to measure my sense of what "normal" or "right" looked like, and it seemed everything I did was wrong. 
I grew up looking for what was wrong so I could fix it. 
(Notice I only mentioned what was wrong with my parents.) 
I wanted to be good and I craved any praise from anyone who would be so kind as to send it my way. 
As an adult, I've tried to fix everything under the sun including myself, my marriage and my kids. 
We have mounds of shelf-help books (yes, that is meant to read SHELF-help) to prove it. 
It's interesting that I wound up in a profession as a fitness trainer where, 
in essence, people ask me to "fix" them. That must mean something is wrong with them. 
As time has passed, I don't view it as something being wrong per-se but 
that a challenge is before us and together we can conquer it.
It's a matter of education and information. So that's what I do. I educate myself first, and inform others later. 
I've found that overcoming challenges brings me a great amount of satisfaction. 
I made a major transformation 2004 if you want to read about it here:

Bottomline, is that if we let go of the critical part of us that wants to point out what is wrong, 
we might find the only things left are the "what's right-s". That's a challenge that if we overcome, 
we'll make a mental transformation that could be a game changer.
I'd venture to say that our lists would be pretty long if we took time to list everything that was right.
Maybe we should.
Ok, let's do. 
So today, I WILL find the things that are going right with me/in my life and choose to be happy about them.
My first act is to note what was right with my parents: 
one was very generous and liked to have fun and
 the other was very creative and resourceful. 
I feel better already.

Here's my list:
  • I'm healthy.
  • I'm safe.
  • I love my family.
  • They love me.
  • I ate a healthy breakfast and taught someone else to do the same.
  • The sun is out. I'm a sunny weather person.
  • The dishes are put away.
  • My blog post is almost done.
  • I said my prayers and read my scriptures.
  • I have a solid Circle of Genius (CoG) supporting me.
  • I have goals to meet to day.
  • I have a hot shower waiting for me.
  • I've connected with two friends so far today.
  • I'm happy about my fitness progress.
  • I have had positive self-talk happening throughout the morning.
  • My feet are warm.


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