“WHY am I doing the
hard things- getting up early, working out, planning meals, cooking, eating
well, etc.?
Because I want my
life with food and weight to change. I want them to be elements in my life instead
of defining the life I have. I want to stop being so focused on my pants size,
how I compare to other women and what someone else thinks about the way I look.
I want to be happy with me, to know I am strong, healthy and beautiful- no
matter the tag # in my jeans, no matter what society screams a woman should
look like or weigh, despite the opposing images of the Hollywood starlets. In
this process, I want to learn to be okay with me.”
The powerful message she conveys here is KNOWING that she is
DESERVING of the benefits that come with putting her wishes to feel good into
actions and then turning those actions into daily habits. She has a DESIRE to
live life at a higher level than spending days WORRYING about what she could or
should be. Instead she has DECIDED to FOCUS
on being what she was meant to be in all areas of her life—thereby creating
BALANCE which, in turn, lends itself to the natural side effect of inner PEACE.
We are ENOUGH—let’s live like we KNOW it!
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