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Tuesday, February 15, 2011



I had a long talk with my friend today which led to this simple conclusion:
You choose the path you’ll walk (or run) by setting your life goals in place. 
Put one foot in front of the other and get on the path to accomplish it.
Set your goals with deliberate intention and then get on the path of least resistance.

You can invite people onto your path to take part in the journey but 
you can’t step off your path detouring onto someone else’s path (distraction). 
Their path is not your path and you will feel a loss of your sense of direction 
(confusion, indecision, a disconnect with your inner GPS). 
Set your values and principles by which you will travel life’s journey. 
They will act as your GPS so you don’t stray off the path. 

The people who will help you achieve your goals (Circle of Genius) 
will be put in your path so you can learn from them and lean on them.
Keep them close to you by walking in their footprints and training to 
keeping up with their pace. 
You know who these people are because they are going in the same direction as you; 
there is no detour.

All the important people who will help you along the way and
 all the people whom you have a responsibility to help will be on your path. 
Don’t push them off your path into the mud. 
That’s not nice. 
Another way to say it is you’d be shirking your personal 
responsibility to help and be helped. 

Along the way you’ll see people lying on the roadside; some are helpless 
and feel hopeless, some are injured and need extra care, some are weary from 
the rough road they have traveled and  some are just dirty and need a good brushing off; 
always offer your hand of fellowship to them.
 Pick them up and carry them a ways if necessary. 
Encourage them to stand strong and to stride out to reach their 
goals even if it means they venture off your path at the fork in the road to pursue their own goals. 
Always do what you can to help others reach their goals by staying on your path. 

When you get to your destination. 
Turn around. 
Look behind you. 
See who you might have left behind. 
Go back and get them. 
Don’t leave them to struggle alone. 
Link arms with them, lift them up and begin with the end in mind. 
Once you arrive with them by your side, look around. 
See who is with you. 
Who has come this far with you. 
Celebrate with them on your collective successes. 
Be inspired by their courage, fortitude and strength of character. 
Be grateful you had this experience together.  

Now what? 
What adventure is still waiting to be had. 
Sit down. 
Map it out.
 Set your goals.
 Find the safest route and begin again. 
The world has endless routes to be travels.
 Choose the one that’s next; the one that fits with your values and principles; 
the right one for you and take it. 
Put one foot in front of the other and stay on the path. 


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